Tuesday, October 18, 2016

close acc

Aku dah ada kisah baru..
Patut del kot blog ni..


BISMILLAH..  Dengan nama Allah.
Macam dah lama aku aku tidak mencoret di dalam blog ni.
Cehh ayat.. Ada puitis sikit.
Dugaan..  Allah bagi ujian dengan tahap kemampuan kita.
Dugaan bertunang.  Jujur.  Kuat sangat ujian saat ingin meniti
Ke arah yang halal.  Kau kalah,  syaitan tepuk tangan.
8 hari rasenya aku tak contact tunang aku. Mybe salah aku.
Tpi kau tahulah,  perempuan.  Hati lembut sangat.
Walau marah mcm mana sekali pun,  dia x mampu kalau yang tersyang
Jauh dari diri dia.  Kan..
Kau bayangkan mcm mana kuat aku lalui ujian ni.
8 hari,  msg,  x call.  Rindu aku,  sakit aku., Allah je tahu.
Sambil tulis, sambil menangis.  😂 😂
Sampai dia mengelak aku..  

Thursday, March 13, 2014


assalamualaikum  da selamat sejahtera..
aku tak sangka yang naskah ni wujud lagi dalam hidup dy.
hihihiii.. haishhh aku happy??
yes yang teramat apy but in same time feel worried
y?? the bcoz aq taktw nape dy sebut sal naskah
is it he's still love me or just wordz for him??
aq lagi takut bila dy akn tinggalkan aku lagi skali
thts mean 3 kali dy tinggalkan aku. sakit tak sakit, Allah jew yang tahu sal feels ni.
dy follow instag aq, dy follow fb aku.. npe tak add jew lau btl syg aq or nk det back balik??
klau mncul tapi xde rs nak bersma balik, just go away, leave me alone.
i cant face it anymore
how come when onece upon a time, he's my love, nthen now wanna be fwenz??
oh God, thts not me.. i cant face it by my self.
i dont know wht is intresting bout him which is i love him n never ended although he's leave me without let me a second chance. yes he's cruel but, he's always be mine.
wht i want?? just wanna he come back to me, ask apologize n ask me to forgive him, sincerly
u know wht, sure i will forgive him, but, is he will never let my heart hurt like before???
im always dream to have a perfect relationship which is always happy without any probs.
but u know, we r human n always make mistake.
without mistake, we will never change be more n better tahn before
n we will never try be the best from before.
if u know my heart, u will hear it scream wanna u back.
 but i think, u will never be mine back. bcoz u hate me so much,. is it??
i will take more time to let u go from my  life.

sincerly, love : NASKAH